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Old March 21st, 2011, 20:57   #5
AKA ExtraExtra
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Richmond Hill, Ontario
Originally Posted by Forester View Post
Thanks for the quick reply and info.

Obviously I won't spend the full $800 if I don't have to, but I want a good quality gun out of the box that I can use for years to come.

I will read up a bit more on the above mentioned manufacturers.
You should do read up some more. Also, check out the game threads and check in to see if you can meet up with as it would give you an opportunity to see it first hand and that may just help you determine if it is AEG or GBBR you want. Thats of course if it is possible. Check back with Eeyore after you get verified.
What you want and what you can get are 2 different things...
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