ICS M4 need ICS buffer tube fit without modification.
As for need to install MOE stock and using regular 9.6 V even the stick type won't fit in it.
You have two option :
First :
-Rewire the gun to the front,
-Get a new buffer tube ( any brand doesn't matter since regular ICS buffer tube is a bit tight on some MOE stock or won't fit ), A small sanding with dremel on the ICS body tube since it's a bit fatter so regular buffer tube won't fit,
-Then you finally can get MOE stock to fit on a new buffer tube.
Second :
-Keep the wire to the rear as it is
-Get a new buffer tube that is specific for Lipo since it has more room for than regular buffer tube,
-Get a tube type Lipo 7.6 V, 20 C rated and a good charger.
-Then purchase the MOE stock.
The MOE stock might not be able to retract to 0 position while your battery in the stock though, be careful not to do it when your battery in there since it might squeeze the battery and damage it.