Fine tuned my 'Nam G.I impressions...
Got the proper towel, more canteens and a extra belt of ammo for the Pig. Also got a 7.62mm ammo bandolier for the '60 with the cardbox (in real life containing ammo, in the world of airsoft: flashbangs and batteries)
M16A1 is Classic Army M15VN with G&P M16A1 flash hider, the M60 is the new A&K version over my old TOP.
She is one mean mutha: she spewed over 6000 bb's in one morning without breaking sweat, very accurately too. I swapped over to the M16 as a request from the opposition!
One drawback is that she uses a incorrect ammo pouch for the ammo bag at the side, its a more modern OD affair with velcro straps to keep the feed tubes and winding mechanism in place.
It was pleasing bucketing down with rain for my Rifleman photos, added to the Jungle realism!