Originally Posted by Sportco
I had something sort of similar...
The trigger would lock up and sometimes fire full auto on semi mode after using the spring release... I realized that the plastic cam system (front left side near contact) in the lower gearbox would play lateraly and cause this...
I found the problem to be the rear of the front top spring had slipped towards the right side..
The solution was to reposition the front spring by pushing the rear of it towards the left
Stopped doing it! (was expecting to have to immobilize it never had to... never did it again!)
Hope it helps... Good luck!?!
Are you talking about the spring in the attached picture (the one above the gears)? I tried moving the lower part of the spring over to the left . However, it easily moves back over to the right left (picture shows the spring as far over to the left as I can move it).
The first time I did it, I think I got the desired behaviour, with the first trigger pull (on semi) not actually firing the gun...it just sounded like all the gears moving into positon. The second trigger pull performed a correct semi fire. A few cycles of depressing the forward assist knob/firing returned it to the previous behaviour, so I guess the spring slipped over to the right. I guess the only option is for me to immobolize the spring. One idea is to use a dremmel (or small file) and cut a little groove into the post, forcing the spring to remain in position.
However, I'll wait until you confirm that this is the spring you were talking about before I cut a groove.