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Old February 25th, 2011, 10:18   #922
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Originally Posted by fyra View Post
So, I have been planning on building myself a custom 1911 for quite some time, and there is still one question that I have yet to sort out. I decided I would go with a full-length guide rod, as I have heard that this could help get rid of some slide-wobble.

Now, the parts I have picked out are linked below, but I can not figure out if there is a specific barrel bushing to be used.

Nova has, iirc, 3 different designs of bushings, and an equal number of recoil spring plugs. Should I just match up (in this case) type 3 with type 3, or can I mix-and-match?

LCT – Stainless Steel Recoil Spring Guide
NOVA – Stainless Steel Recoil Spring Plug (Type 3)
Going with a longer guide rod doesn't do much (if at all) for reducing slide wobble. The only way to get rid of that is to go with a quality slide/frame set. There are ways to tighten up the rails further (real firearm methods), but I don't recommend them for airsoft unless its made of steel.

The difference between the barrel bushings are cosmetic:
- Type 1 is "Government" style. It's what you'll find on the majority of modern factory builds. Kimber builds use something like this. Looking from the front, the sides are flat, and the legs that protrude down to lock to the spring plug are a bit longer than the other styles.
- Type 2 is a "Series 70" style. The legs that lock to the spring plug are stubbier, and the overall thickness is a bit more than the Government. It provides a much more pronounced side profile. Looking at it from the front, the sides of it are a bit more rounded than the Government or Caspian style.
- Type 3 is a "Caspian" style. Thickness is on par with the Series 70 style. Looking at it from the front, it has flatter sides like the Government style, and the legs that lock to the spring plug are also longer than the Series 70 style. The differences between the Type 3 and the Type 1 legs, is the Caspian style has a flat bottom to the legs. Caspian bushings are used on a lot of custom built 1911's.

Again, it is cosmetic, and you will need to judge for yourself which one you'll go with. But for all intents and purposes, they will work interchangeably.

The difference between the spring plugs is functionality:
- Type 1 is your standard plug, for use with a shortened recoil spring guide, straight barrel, and barrel bushing to lock to it.
- Type 2 is for use with full length guide rods and bull barrels. Barrel bushings can not lock to it.
- Type 3 is for use with full length guide rods, straight barrels and barrel bushing to lock to it.
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