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Old February 25th, 2011, 06:44   #920
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Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: LKPG - Sweden
So, I have been planning on building myself a custom 1911 for quite some time, and there is still one question that I have yet to sort out. I decided I would go with a full-length guide rod, as I have heard that this could help get rid of some slide-wobble.

Now, the parts I have picked out are linked below, but I can not figure out if there is a specific barrel bushing to be used.

Nova has, iirc, 3 different designs of bushings, and an equal number of recoil spring plugs. Should I just match up (in this case) type 3 with type 3, or can I mix-and-match?

LCT – Stainless Steel Recoil Spring Guide
NOVA – Stainless Steel Recoil Spring Plug (Type 3)
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