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Old February 21st, 2011, 12:52   #15
Tommygun_ted's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Shelburne Ontario
All in all, I wouldn't argue that either support role is more effective than the other. I am the only SAW gunner at the field I play at, and there are a few snipers. I've found, assuming both roles are being properly executed, it all comes down to the mentality of the target. Some people are more afraid of taking one hit from an unknown location, some people are more afraid of volume of fire. We play in fairly dense woods, so there are plenty of places for a good marksman to hide. I know from personal experience how much it can rattle you, hearing nothing but one BB smacking off of a tree, the split second you get to wonder if it was a twig being stepped on before your fired on again. That being said, I've found that seeing that SAW can cause the shooter to get more frantic. If the first shot misses, the second shot usually does too. Seeing a full length 249 swing around towards you can be pretty rattling as well. I had one instance where the sniper just put his head down and covered his neck after his first shot to prepare for my volley of plastic. I will be the first to admit though, that there are players out there who would react completely differently. As i said, depends who your playing with. As a side note, I would like to say I have a lot of respect for snipers in airsoft. It's a difficult role to play, and requires a lot of patience and dedication, and it is something i know i wouldn't be able to pull off, at least not without a lot of practice and researching.
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