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Old February 15th, 2011, 00:13   #5
formerly steyr
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba
My comments on ARES M60E4:
Lots of plastic externals, and the hopup unit is absolutely retarded. Be very mindful of how the bucking comes out, because I still have no idea how it goes back in. I just stood it on its end and it worked alright.
Motor comes wired in to the mechbox, kind of annoying.
Stock cylinder head is shit, and is proprietary. If you can find one, ARES makes an aluminum one with double o-rings.
Recommend doing general gearbox maintenance before using, shimming and lubing, and fixing compression.
If you can get it apart, definitely rewire the box mag.
After all that, I started to like the gun, but then I sold it to a team mate who would use it more than me. Good quick motor, was shooting just under 20rps @ 410fps on a 9.6V 2000mah Firefox, after it was shimmed, lubed and rewired.
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