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Old February 13th, 2011, 00:26   #3
AJ457's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Kitchener, ON
As for the black load out for indoors I can just with that. Cost is a meh, I'm getting into the sport, so I want to keep costs at a decent level because whether I stay in it and buy better stuff later on or feel it isn't for me (hahaha yeah right) my stuff is going to my brother.

My big concern is finding an outdoor load out. I'll have to check out who uses what in my area. CADPAT is what I have been looking at for outdoors and I imagine I can use for indoors as well provided I don't want to use my black for a change.

As for the MP5 magazine pouches, I have looked hard. I mean really effin hard, and found no CADPAT MP5 pouches yet. I do look on a nightly basis but if the CADPAT is my goal I can see how well the OD would work with it just for the pouches. I mean have you ever seen CADPAT MP5 pouches before?

Now a buddy of mine was saying that if I don't have an issue with doing this, I can use M4/16 pouches for my MP5 mags and it'll fit two mags in each. Think this is a decent idea until I figure something out for the actual MP5 pouches?

I mean it's all trial and error, and no I'm not buying retarded expensive stuff just yet, because as previously stated I am new to the larger community and don't want to go overboard in case I decide I just want to keep it to just between me and the guys kind of deal.
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