Originally Posted by Rai
The only people who like the Deagle are
airsofters who never held a real pistol.
and people who watch MTV.
The only reason why they are popular is because they have a "hardcore" rep hollywood uses them because big guys like arnold need a big pistol.
However if you watch end of days or terminator the Deagle was not used. glock 9mm and a .45 were.
Glock on the other hand excusing all the fan boy and company BS they spread aren't bad, Personally I like the Tokarev TT-33 and the Colt 1911
Then there's also the fact they are not reliable they won't fire if they are not held at the right angle.
I do play call of duty as do many people so bite me
I have held and fire RS pistols so eat me
I dont watch MTV so your arguement is invalid
the airsoft pistols (almost all) fire 6mm it comes down to looks the majority of the time, I like the way the desert eagle looks, and feels in my hands (big hands) I have issues with smaller gripped pistols the only 2 that i have ever comfortably held where the mk23 and desert eagle