February 11th, 2011, 17:08
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Transcona, Winnipeg, MB
Originally Posted by tenringbound
Hey Drake,
Take yer 5 points and shove them up yer ass. Any forum that penalises members for telling off the biggest assholes in the forum is usually one run by the biggest assholes.
Fuck you and your forum, bunch of faggot cocksuckers runing around with toy guns. Y
ou tell your little puke buddies the reason I was not back right away to see all their little puusy bitching comments was because I was in Tibet becoming a Buddhist monk and I realized that I am a total cockmonger, and after soliciting sex to the Dalai Lama they were all like, "dawg wtf..." and I came back to msg you and tell you that I'm a super-soldier!!!111
Fucken bunsh of little boys playin guns.
Fuck you and your pitiful little forum.
Fixed it...