Originally Posted by coachster
similar with my TM mk23 playing cqb outdoors. from the second floor, I'd sweep past these two windows. back and forth. back and forth. acquired a target from one, moved to the other window in case they saw me, and fired a single round off. repeated with success! I popped off 5 guys walking below trying to secure the area before they realized they didn't clear the room I was in. not one of them could figure out where the round came from. I had a tough time not laughing when they stormed into near by buildings expecting to find someone. lol
Picture me in the position I was in, trying to suppress my giggling while chambering the next round after seeing the guy jump after an ass shot and asking the guy beside him if he knew where the round came from, seeing them look around the floor with BBs there and asking if maybe a stepped on BB hit him there, and hearing "Must have been one hell of a step, I feel a welt forming!" I almost gave myself away in there, but lasted a good 20mins before they tossed the grenade.