Originally Posted by venture
agree with shelledpants and tdh.
nothing to gain. and i dont like the police always raving about the public safety. they are wrong. as tdh says only the operator is in danger.
Gotta say I don't agree venture, it's not only the operator in danger in a situation like this. There is a possibility innocents getting caught in the line of fire.
I mean I'm not trying to say that registering our Airsoft guns with the locals is going to stop morons from doing stupid shit,, just like the gun registry (although it put alot of people in my city to work) is a joke in the fact that criminals aren't registering their weapons. It does let the police know in advance if their are guns on the premises and what those guns might be.
As for shelledpants comment, no I don't expect the cops to tell someone "it's just a toy, go about your day" But I know I'd rather have a couple cops stop by to say "Hey fuck nuts, close your curtains before you play with your airsoft" because they know it's there, than have a fucking SWAT team bust my door in guns drawn on the assumption that I have a real assault rifles in my home...