Hmmm...I've never had a problem with my bio BBs. I've used G&G, Airsoft Elite and Bioval BBs, all biodegradeable and have never had a single feed failure after firing a few thousand rounds. This was in both my G&G MP5 and G&G AK 47 using G&G hi-cap mags, King Arms low-cap mags, a MAG mag and Star real-caps. I do keep my bio-bbs stored in airtight bags with dessicants (those little white packages that look like sugar packets that you sometimes find when you buy clothes that say "Silica Gel - Do Not Eat" on them) to keep out the moisture.
Which mags are you using?
***: charging you for something you can get for free, so we can build something that we will charge you to use
Originally Posted by Shazee083
hey duds if i get the so the frame could not be converted to an GBB
Last edited by LegioXIII; January 26th, 2011 at 17:54..