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Old January 25th, 2011, 17:03   #15
Stewartb109's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Virginia, USA
ESS land OPs will be fine with a MICH, and are you sure its a real MICH for $40? Real ones come in sizes and generally have a sticker on the inside with serial (MSA for example) number, and ballistics rating. Most MICH helmets are level III , few are level IV.

My fireteams will use ESS turbofans (slightly larger than land ops due to the fan), Revision Desert Locust, and Oakley A Frame.. all of those goggles were designed to fit with those helmets and use NVG seemlessly.

Are you using the full face mesh mask? Or the half face version? The half face is a lot more comfortable and wont shove your goggles away, however, if you put a Balaclava or anything over the mesh you'll fog (without aid of course). Though what is this "dual lens" system your referring to? The Rx inserts that ESS does?
Callsign: Ghost, C 1-9
Team Medic

Deployment Group: MEF
Platoon: ODA 556

-Systema PTW
-14.5" Grenadier upper
-14.5" soon to be MK18 upper
-KWA Sig 226 PTP
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