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Old January 24th, 2011, 21:18   #15
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Originally Posted by AJ457 View Post
This seems like a really good idea, but I was reading that it's more of a temporary fix than anything. True or False?

I just don't know how to actually peel apart the gun and change the spring and quite frankly I'd rather not break a gun. A hundred dollars is still a hundred dollars lol it isn't a load of money but if I break a gun before using it in a game I might as well have just flushed that bill down the toilet
I like it because it takes like no time to put on and off.

I use it on my kraken (which I have a quick method of converting it to CQB) as you dont have to tear the gun apart to reduce the FPS in between games (which I imagine would be a pain in the butt)
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