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Old January 21st, 2011, 20:26   #11
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Join Date: May 2008
Location: Richmond, BC
Originally Posted by multitech View Post
Who did you buy this off? I'm assuming its in country!

Edit: yup you can buy directly from Goblin paintball:
I actually bought from a local paintball shop,; had to go straight to Goblin to get extra shells with the "6mm nitro" airsoft casings though.
They do work with propane, but I find that not all BBs will clear the shell all the time. Most firings leave one of the four chambers on the shell still loaded. (Not a huge issue, still have 3 more chambers of 3 BBs each swarming out the barrel like angry bees. :twisted: ) Problem disappears with CO2, plus the muzzle report is much more satisfying.
The twinned barrels are actually one solid piece of high-grade machineable plastic, with plenty of space between barrels to drill & tap for rails or accessories. The barrel ends are thick enough to tap for extensions or silencers too. Heh heh... silenced shotguns-pistols; I'm tempted to try.
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