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Old January 20th, 2011, 22:23   #7
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Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Canal Flats BC
Flecktarn is easy to get...KSK use an IDZ vest which is not molle compatible and is virtually impossible to get! They use theatre appropriate camo (Flecktarn or Wustentarn) most often . I have only seen them in other vests of uniforms, The generally operate in Bundeswehr issue gear.

G36 pouches are large. If you file the attachment lugs of the mags you can fit a single G36 mag into a M4 puch as they are 5.56 Nato size.

Like I said...if you want to stick with woodland then research the G36 users and see if there is a camo match...

If not, don't worry about as like the dude above is Airspoft. are going to be playing against some guys in jeans and running shoes.....and they are Spec Ops!
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