Hi, I'm back. It went very good with the psy, but it's not wath is important. You probably won't trust me but went I walked back to go home, there was 6 Montreal Police officers and two polices cars, a guy told me if I was "Simon" and they arrested me for charge of owning prohibited weapons. I was handcuffed and they put me in jail in an Ahuntsic detention center the time they went to search threw my appartement. They had what they call in french a "mandat", a paper from the judge to allow them to seize my WE M14 and look for other "guns". My girlfriend was there and answered their question. After their is an inspector that took me out of jail and we talk and he told me that the charge was dropped because it was an airgun. Nobody their knew what an airsoft was, I had to explain all about it, saying it was a sport like paintball. So I'm home now but they will conduct test on my WE M14 to see if it's under 500fps. It is, but I told the inspector that I thought the law was that it must also go over 5.7j but he didn't know that at all. Let me tell you that the first thing I did was to, on a complete voluntary bases, remove all the videos.