I personally went from an AGM to a WOC then an INO, at that time I hated the WE for its unrealistic brass tube.
The AGM was well, I wouldn't say garbage out of the box, but.. yeah garbage out of the box. The material was similar to the first gen WE handguns, zinc/magnesium alloy, extremely soft and brittle, I could see myself replacing a number of parts within a month. I was fortunate it was new at the time so I didn't have a hard time reselling it.
The WOC, I could not for the life of me get it to run efficiently, when I did, the mags started leaking. It was an ass to seal them up again given the number of parts were used to to build them.
The INO was okay, a little better.
Eventually I went with the WE AWSS system, very little moving parts meant little wear and less replacement parts, which meant the magazine needed little to no maintenance.
In addition, the magazine had an external shell, meaning dropping the mag caused little structural damage, the WE mag is probably the most successful GBBR mag out there, it is cheap, easily disassembled and maintained. Justify that by counting how many aftermarket magazines are there out for the WE compared to the Magna system.
In my opinion, the Magna system has way too many aftermarket external parts modeled on different specs and dimensions, because AGM, WOC, INO, PRIME all have their proprietary designs and little is cross compatible.
Most, if not all the externals off the WE are modeled after real steel specifications, replace the worn alloy furniture with RS if you want. The internals are much more beginner friendly as the mechbox is drop in and affordable.
We also have an official Canadian distributor for WE.
Last edited by Qlong; January 12th, 2011 at 13:02..