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Old January 11th, 2011, 15:21   #1
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Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Ontario
Getting into GBBR opinions wanted

Alright guys I've been watching the growing number of GBBR's and I've been tempted a few times and I'm going to take the plunge.

My question is which systems do you prefer and why?

I've read alot of helpful threads by m102404 and kulwarrior and others and I've narrowed it down between the King Arms M7A1, the g&p woc, and the WE. CQBR. Now much of what was discussed was far over my head but I feel I have a bit of a basic understanding of some of he differences, strengths and weaknesses of each... But I'm looking for a dumbed down explanation for these and any recommendations on which is the best choice.

I've also read abit on and understand that the KA and g&p are based on the Magna system where the WE is a modified internal escort system....
I also understand that whichever model is chosen an NPAS will be necessary as well possibly a new steel bolt and possibly some other steel parts ie: trigger assembly's and sears and whatnot...

So any help you guys can provide will be SUPER appreciated.

Thanks in advance
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