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Old January 11th, 2011, 12:20   #22
Official ASC News Anchor
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Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Hell (if you were here, you'd thinks so,too)
My work is very aware of what I do. They seem to have no problem and my profession is highly regulated. I don't see the problem.

If you feel like pissing off your employer, get everything in writing, what, why, ...everything. Have them state specific policy section and verse and refuse to do anything until you get their request in writing. Anything they want you to do you should be a written request. If they want you to see a psychiatrist to justify a legal activity, get it in writing. When you do see the shrink, first thing out of your mouth should be "why am I here?".
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Originally Posted by backspasm
"Did someone lose a condom, I found it in my shit"
Lightfighter can suck my cock. Fuckin' thieves!

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