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Old January 10th, 2011, 04:06   #13
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Originally Posted by Mist3r.B View Post
Don't know the exact number, but for better ROF go with a 20C.

As for a 3000mah, it's a lot. I got a 1200 and I'm usualy able to play a whole with it.
What are you talking about?
an 11.1v 15C LiPo with 3000mah has the exact same ROF as a 11.1v 30C 3000mah LiPo. And if you ever notice that your performance drops with a different C rating, it means your drawing too much current for that battery and you should never use it for that electric device ever again.

You REALLY don't need a LiPo battery at all. Seriously.
You can easily accomplish your goal with a 9.6v NiMH.
NiCd have less amperage by nature, and can suffer from voltage depression. And NiMH doesn't need to be drained before it's charged.

9.6v 2200mah crane stock battery, 1000-1100 rpm depending on your internal setup, you'll get atleast 1800 BB's out of it.
And if you want a bigger battery, you can get a crane stock for larger cells and use a 5000mah battery.
Friend of mine had an LMG36 with a 9.6v 3300mah battery, it did 1400rpm no problem and about 6000 rounds of life

The top 200-300mah of your battery will have increased voltage, but your average voltage is still going to give you a crazy rate of fire.
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