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Old January 7th, 2011, 21:22   #4
Canadian Psycho
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I have a PTW and I love it, all around it is the best available gun out there in my opinion. Great ROF, the best trigger response plus with the chip boards in them no stupid half cock. Yes they are expensive, but at least it arrives in one piece performing right out of the box, unlike a build gun that might have problems.

The only issue I ran into with mine was that at Claybank 2010 during the hurricane it got completely soaked (think shower soaked) and it messed up the selector chip, but a few minutes with a tooth brush and it works great again. The Tackleberry mod will fix any motor issues as well as semi water proofing all of the chip boards and what not.

Great guns, worth every penny, would buy one again in a heartbeat.
"Those who have long enjoyed such privileges as we enjoy, forget in time that men have died to win them"
Franklin D. Roosevelt
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