Originally Posted by L473ncy
If you're caught lasering an aircraft you can be charged federally! It's a hazard to pilots, not only can it mess with their vision but if flying at night it can ruin their night vision and that's never cool especially when you're trying to land a 747 or an Airbus (and there's windshear, micro bursts, low vis and other crappy Wx that they have to deal with). In fact some people in the US have been charged under the Patriot Act Anti-Terrorism laws for lasering aircraft. In Canada I believe Transport Canada deals with this and it's a federal crime carrying a $100,000 charge AND 5 years in the Pen.
and yeah.. forgot to mention it.. don't be stupid to point one directly at an any air transportational device. You'll be real suprised at how many people get caught with laser pens pointing them up at planes and helicopters. Generally the cockpit of an aircraft is pretty dark at night so having a blast of green light being thrown bouncing around in there isn't pleasant at all. Sure pilots have landed planes while under those conditions, but you'll be facing jail time for that.... and if you ended up causing a crash... well you'll never get out of jail.
and you don't need to be worried about pointing it anywhere in the sky.... just be aware of any planes/helicopters. Many people use laser points to help point at stars. Works real well when camping.