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Old December 19th, 2010, 02:09   #38
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: The Shwa
Originally Posted by Karma_ View Post
How is it hypocritical to say wanting a consistent gas powered system whether it's rigged on a line or not? I have a sling connected to my gun, so having a line running from my pack along my sling to my gun isn't something I'd be against. I'm not following you on how that takes away from realism in the way the gun operates.

I have a WE M4. All I care about is consistency in any climate while still using it in a realistic way, low-mid caps. And buddy, I've been playing for quite some time so I'm very familiar with how games are played. High cap games are typically avoided or ammo restrictions are put in place where I play.

Have fun playing with your kids, kid.

Oh, and did you sign up on here just to rant about this?
^ this
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