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Old December 19th, 2010, 01:29   #7
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This paste was developed to work on the CWW issue boots. To keep the leather soft and plyable and not clog up the pores of the leather to allow for the Gore-tex layer to vent through the boot leather. the paste was then popular with the Issue MkIV boots as it rejuvinated the leather without the "shine" typical to the 1980 era MkIII combat boots.
Boot Blackener was a Tin of leather dye developed to treat worn boots and re - Blacken the Brown rubbed and worn from field boots. The other tin often seen in the compny of the Blackener was Silicone to treat the Sticthes and boot over all. The CWW Gore tex certainly didn't need the Oil based pore clogging Kiwi Polish or the Silicone tins to clog up the works.
So Yes the EMU boot paste is great for your Mk III MkIV CCW Boots.
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