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Old December 18th, 2010, 20:55   #36
Join Date: Dec 2010
Originally Posted by Karma_ View Post
Just like high caps are dumb. They ruin everything cool about airsoft.
im pretty sure those little kids with high caps on rentals that run around every skirmish sites been sodomizing you up your arse.

Now, if there was something that went directly into the gun and utilized the regular mags, I'd be down. I would get that.
you like realism and yet you wanted an external air rig that goes directly to the gun and utilize regular mags, isn't it just like fuckin your own ass? where is the realism in that?

once you air rigged, the realism is gone no matter what you do, it is just hypocrite saying high caps are dumb but you wanted external air source.

i hope you already have gbbr that uses in-gas-mags otherwise your missing out a lot, they have a capacity of 30BBs and they shoot like real thing with recoil and shit, but once you've used them in skirmish, you'll realize straight away how stupid you are wanting something with "realism" with huge handicap because of low cap.
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