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Old December 16th, 2010, 02:09   #21
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ok want to hear somethig funny... (i already knew this but anyways...)

So, I decided to go with the PDI 6.01 595mm inner barrel... i know its the best barrel out there... and most expensive.... anyone want to guess how much it cost?... thats right... the same price as the gun itself hehehe.... meh.. i dont care... i just find it funny.

While i was at it i picked up 3 more mid-caps... 1 isnt enough.

cant wait to have all the part for this thing

currently, i have the barrel comming, 3 mags, a 3.5-10X 50mm scope with flipup sights, and the propper bi-pod comming within 5 days... my god... there goes all my christmas spending money for the year ahaha.

Meh... Merry Christmas to me
"marines don't die, they just regroup in hell"
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