There are lots of good metal M4 magazines on the market, the question should be what is the best metal magazine for my particular M4? It all depends on the brand of your M4 since their are small differences between brands. A magazine that works well in a certain brand may need to be modified to work well in another brand. My advice is to borrow a mag from a friend and test it in your M4 before buying anything. As an example, I own 20 magpul P-mags and they work perfectly in my Kingarms-Systema M4, same in my CA M15. But I had to modify my VFC Scar L because the P-mags would misfeed being slightly to small for the mag whell. I tried another type of Magpull mags and they would'nt fit in any of my Airsoft because they were to wide! They didn't even fit in the magwell.