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Old December 12th, 2010, 08:55   #24
GBB Whisperer
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Originally Posted by pakinshet View Post
HPA are being used to rig the magazine and not being use as air charger numbnuts besides you will never find a regulator that can output that pressure.
He specifically asked "could you theoretically fill up GBBR mags with HPA", numbnuts. Get your reading comprehension skills updated.

Originally Posted by pakinshet View Post
you really are in illusion state aren't you?
Yes, I am. I stand corrected. The powerlets carry liquid, as proven by MadMax. I'd incorrectly assumed there was no liquid, as you can't hear swishing as you would with a propane tank.

Originally Posted by pakinshet View Post
i guess you're kidding right? as this is just plain stupid, not even air rifle can achieve this output pressure, they are regulated air meaning there is a regulator that controls the air output on each shot. 600-850 psi. this are paintball tanks
No, I'm not kidding. But I'm not serious, either. It was theoretical regarding the original question, of "IF" you could get pure HPA in to the small confines of a GBBR magazine. I KNOW there isn't a regulator that controls the air output in a GBBR magazine, and that there are in-line regulars assembled with external rigs. I also know that guns can't handle that kind of output pressure - I clearly stated all this in the rest of my response, if you'd cared at all to read it in whole, rather than picking out specific parts taken out of context.

Originally Posted by pakinshet View Post
im using HPA rig as well with modified co2 magazine that im running at 650-700 psi, im not wearing any body armour. will post video soon.
Good for you. I never said you needed body armour to use HPA with a CO2 mag. My response was to the ORIGINAL question that I quoted, which was asking if HPA could be put in to GBBR magazines. I had assumed that the poster was referring to regular propane magazines.

Last edited by ILLusion; December 12th, 2010 at 09:05..
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