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Old December 11th, 2010, 18:51   #26
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Originally Posted by jurgen975 View Post
Is this s dual com radio?If i would be in the role of a platoon commander i would need to talk to my squadleaders but also to HQ.
Does this radio have pmr channels?
what would be a group price?
Yes, it is a dual comm radio.

You can choose whatever preset you want as your main channel, however secondary channel will ALWAYS be preset 00.

Let's say you're a squad leader. Your squad channel is 06 (that's just for the exemple; it can actually be any preset from #01 to 99). This is your main channel. Command (HQ) channel that you want to listen at the same time can only be 00.

When you activate the dual channel function, it will listen constantly to both channels. If you talk on your radio, by default it will transmit on channel 06.

Now if you receive on channel 00, it will stay active as your default for a set delay (I'm not sure how long, I'll have to test it) OR until someone speaks on 06. While it is your default, if you speak it will be transmitted on that frequency so you can answer the radio check, HQ question, order, etc... After the time delay is over, it will get back to 06 as a default while still listening to both.

You can also manually change back and forth between both frequencies via a button on the side of the radio

Hope that helps... english isn't my primary language so I'm not 100% sure I used the best words for clarity. Feel free to ask any questions you might have if something doesn't make sense.

Originally Posted by EagleDriver View Post
If there is a microphone impedance problem, then the plug is technically not compatible with mil std PTTs. This would be something that United Star would have to change on the radio. But I think that because they have the Kenwood two pin plug and the U-283 plug, both are probably wired into a single circuit. This means that if they changed the impedance of the microphone circuit to match the mil std PTT, it would then not work with standard Kenwood types. So I don't see this happening any time soon (if at all.)
Makes sense. So there's two choices: mod/replace the micro (that'd be blasphemy, but I'm pretty sure using an Element mic would work for COMTACs) or add an inline amplifier for the mike signal. In that last case, sound quality would probably not be perfect, and you'd need additionnal power for that amplifier.

IIRC from what I've read, the MIL headsets have a 5Ω impedence over the civilian models.

Last edited by Conker; December 11th, 2010 at 18:59..
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