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Old December 11th, 2010, 14:58   #21
Join Date: Dec 2010
Originally Posted by ILLusion View Post
HPA tanks hold about.... 4,500psi. Hope you're wearing body armor when you try to fill that bad boy up. LOL
HPA are being used to rig the magazine and not being use as air charger numbnuts besides you will never find a regulator that can output that pressure.

Secondly, these 12g powerlets are NOT in a liquid state as you might be so inclined to believe.
you really are in illusion state aren't you?

It is still in a gaseous state. In order for CO2 to form in to its liquid state, you would need immense atmospheric pressure to cause the phase change. It is not just temperature that would cause it to change phases, like liquid>gas propane. Specifically, it must be at 5.2 atmospheres or higher. That kind of pressure would crush you like a tiny ant.
if powerlets are in pure vapor state that just means they already run out of its liquid form, you will only get about a shot or two max it will not cycle the bolt and it will release the remaining air inside the capsule. this is the hissing sound you'll hear when you run out of gas.

co2 in powerlets are partly liquid until you puncture the capsule and some of its liquid expands into vapor and goes to expansion chamber, then the pressure will equalize between the mags and the powerlet (850psi in 20 degrees C) most of the liquids are still in the powerlet but there are already co2 gas in it as well; most of its gas co2 is in the chamber.

For example, first shot would expel at 4,500 psi. Second shot, would have maybe 500psi left. And the final shot might have 10psi. If even that. More likely, all pressure would be expelled by 1 or 2 shots.
i guess you're kidding right? as this is just plain stupid, not even air rifle can achieve this output pressure, they are regulated air meaning there is a regulator that controls the air output on each shot. 600-850 psi. this are paintball tanks

ive been using co2 mags and iv got plenty of them, a single capsule will give you about 120 single shots in summer where gas mags with propane only gives you 90 shots max. they are both allergic to low temperature.

im using HPA rig as well with modified co2 magazine that im running at 650-700 psi, im not wearing any body armour. will post video soon.
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