Originally Posted by phloudernow
Thats great, maybe you can invite me to some games in the new year? thats when ill be getting all my airsoft stuff together  where do you usually go for airsoft? i know theres a paintball field in Downsview somewhere but thats about it  i really want to experience an outdoor Snowy airsoft game XD, as Hong Kong is a very enclosed space, we have tons of cqb places there and i play cqb all the time so would rather experience a cold outdoor game 
Well, next spring/summer will be your lucky time, there'll be TONS of outdoor games in large open areas. As far as winter games go, they DO happen, but alot of people don't want to go out and play in the winter, myself included. I can understand your interest coming from Hong Kong, if I weren't a native here, I'd want to experience as much as possible, but after 21 years of our winters, I'm sick of it and try to avoid it
Just check the event's section of the board (I'll provide a link at the end of my post) for any winter games, but be warned, you'd better be well prepared as it can get super cold at times
As for the spring/summer games, I don't know how long you'll be here, but you'd be more than welcome to come to a game. If you have anything else you think I could answer, feel free to PM me
I'd also recommend getting age verified, it gives you full access to these boards and can be done really easily, there are decent games regularily held at TTAC3 (it's indoor and CQB but fun as hell) and the host/owner can do the age verification
Game lists: