Originally Posted by Gato
I'd say leave it with your aunt, from York U it.s a VIVA purple ride to Richmond Hill station and then figure out your route from there to her house. It's not so bad, I bus from RHill to York U, then transfer to get to downsview all the time for work, when I go to airsoft games, it generally involves busses too 
Thats great, maybe you can invite me to some games in the new year? thats when ill be getting all my airsoft stuff together

where do you usually go for airsoft? i know theres a paintball field in Downsview somewhere but thats about it

i really want to experience an outdoor Snowy airsoft game XD, as Hong Kong is a very enclosed space, we have tons of cqb places there and i play cqb all the time so would rather experience a cold outdoor game