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Old November 27th, 2010, 13:46   #13
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Originally Posted by Eien View Post
OMG... look at those stores!! I need to go there when I'm at HK next year. I haven't been into HK before but I'm sure they speak cantonese and english right?
Haha are you a Canadian born Chinese? Yeah They speak Cantonese more fluently , their english is a bit choppy so better if you could communicate to them in cantonese, make sure you know you all your airsoft terms in Cantonese though or else you wont know wtf they saying lol.

Might i Recommend UNcompany, those guys fluent in English even though they speak with an accent, and they have plenty of experience dealing with native english speakers, since all the international school kids go there.

I know this for a fact, however you might hit a language barrier when you are in Kwong Wa Street, also known as Gun street, most of the store owners are locals and cant speak english that well, however prices are really low, and differ from store to store, so take your time walking around before purchasing, you can find something for 50 Hong Kong dollar whilst another store will be 40 HKD. saving you 10 bucks CHEAPPPPP
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