Firstly, congrats on getting a really fine airsoft weapon. If you look after your pride and jpoy, it should give you years of good service.
Originally Posted by security-101
....and fed some BB's into the 56 Mag and I found that none of the BB's were coming out, I would bang the Mag off my hand so that the BB's were at the top of the feeding lip. I then found that only 2 or 3 of the BB's were coming out, and then none would come out.........
Exactly how many BB's did you put in the magazine? "Just a few" might not be enough to properly feed the magazine. Often, at the end of its use, a magazine might still have some BB's in it but not enough to get sufficient spring tension in the winder. Make sure your mag is 1/2 full or more next time you test it.
I also agree with the other guys comments- sometimes the feed spring (inside the mag) sticks in places. A few drops of silicon oil keeps it moving freely. Just dont overdo it. "a little dab (or in our case, "drop") will do you.
Originally Posted by security-101
.........I took the Mag off and found that 4 or 5 BB's would drop out of the Mag hole in the bottom of the rifle................
This is normal.