Hello DarkDream,
I have ACU, and Woodland in XShort /XSmall, I also carry a butt load of Condor. Also have boots, Fleece and a whack load of other cool shit that fit, almost fit and are jut too damn small. If you have a wish list send it to me and I'll let you know a) what I have in stock and b) what I can get for you in short time c) whats a few weeks out ( Like what he's getting you for x-mas) and d) how much it all costs.
If you like I can ship you some stuff or if you want to do the drive up I can have a bunch of goodies waiting for you.
really guys, you know I support these boards, eh, little help. Alberta sheesh!

yes 4 Gurls and on the extreme left an 8 year old, I'll dress you up no problem.