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Old October 29th, 2010, 16:48   #1
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Join Date: May 2008
Location: Edmonton, AB
Baker_Jeff's Lee Enfield No.4 MK1 Build -A

All right folks, I've fired up the next project, so I will start documenting this one.

This is:

Baker_Jeff's Lee Enfield No.4 MK1 Build -A.

Parts for Build -B have already started being purchased as well .

The base gun:

The receiver removed:

This receiver is ALOT smaller and slimmer than the first project, so it will work very, very well. I'm quite excited for the wood to arrive so I can test fit.

The KJW trigger guard (top) compared to the Enfield trigger guard (bottom):

The KJW M700 magazine in the Enfield mag well, only a little bit of filing and it will fit perfectly:

Stay tuned!
Founder of Capital Airsoft in Edmonton

Out of the Game 04/22/16
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