That BB retention o-ring setup sounds very sell-able on it's own. I can't TELL you how many times I've had people come into our shop and ask if there was a way to make a standard AEG not spill BBs out when dropping the magazine. People always forget a few are going to fall out and it annoys them when it's inside and they have to pick them up LOL!
HRM actually, I think I could add that feature to most standard hopups with a Dremel tool, an ultra thin cut off wheel and an o-ring. Cut a little slit about half way up the loading pipe and slap an o-ring on there.
Sounds like I'll be hitting the hardware store on the way to the shop today.
Anyway thanks for the feedback on the actual Madbull hopup unit too. Going to order a half dozen or so of them and give them a try.
You know, that's that I like about this forum. Quick replies, good info, no BS. Thanks again man!
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