Thread: Glock Thread!
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Old September 14th, 2010, 19:44   #224
sushi_boy604's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: British Columbia
Originally Posted by aBseNtceLL View Post
I'm going to be getting myself a TM G18C and I would like to know if the machined sights that come with SD slide set are already luminous, as on AirsoftGlobal they seem to just be black.

As well, I'm at a toss up whether to get the PGC or SD slide, either way though are there serial number plates that you can get for them to match up with the slide and outer barrel? I would like to have the same serial on the frame.

So far I have decided to get the following upgrades:

Aluminum Slide (either PGC or SD)
Guarder G17 Frame in Black
Guarder Enhanced Steel Recoil Spring Guide G17
Guarder High Output Valve G17
Guarder Steel Magazine Catch

Things I probably don't need but may get because they are cheap:

Spartan Doctrine Enhanced Piston Head for G18C
Guarder Piston Lid for Marui Glock 18C

If any experienced Glock user could let me know if I'm missing anything or if I'm crazy for getting anything that would be great.

I tried the guarder steel magazine catch. It doesn't fit properly without filing down a lot. Still fits but doesn't slide when pressing and depressing it.

Also, what other internals can be used? I am going to get the guarder recoil spring that happens to come with a hammer spring. Will that fit? How about the nozzle g17? The valve knocker? I understand its the same brand but some parts won't all fit. Thanks.
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