Thread: Glock Thread!
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Old September 14th, 2010, 18:17   #223
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No the SD sights are NOT luminous, you even have to paint the white on them yourself....

This is light collecting type, much like the stock TM G17 night sight....not real Tritium...

Once you install the metal slide you'll want to get recoil spring also, though I am sure the Guarder one includes it. You may want to install the hammer spring as well, I was already getting light strike with the long mag at around ~78 degF Ambient temp....

Personally I stop spending money on high flow valve, you can mod them yourself, and to get one for every mag(I have 7) is not cheap....

Whats the difference between the 2 piston head?

When you do get the Guarder frame you may want to take a look at front screw post in the frame, for mine at least it had some molding defect:

This point is already a highly stressed spot for normal Glock. I ended up reinforcing mine with added JB weld....

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