Originally Posted by FoxQc
Thing is, I already invested in a metal body, long G&P front set and stock... that's why I don't want that gun to die on me so soon since I invested so much money into it...
By the way, my pump rails are metal (the thing that goes from the pump foregrip to the body, if that's what you're talking about). But I think you're right, when it stopped working, I had a stange feeling when I pumped it, like if the pump handle disconnected, like you said. But I don't see how this could cause the trigger not to release the piston?
I got the tool I needed to open the searbox, but I'm affraid to do it since the spring is compressed (I can imagine the piston slamming forward and breaking the cylinder/nozzle or piston).
Any idea on what I could do to make things easier when opening?
If it's stock, it won't have that much pressure - the stock spring is pretty weak. Open it slowly, from the rear - that way, if the spring decompresses too quick, the only bad thing that will happen is that the spring and spring guide will shoot out the back of the mechbox. The trigger/sear is a bit fiddly, though, so I would maybe open it in a extra-large ziplock bag so nothing else goes shooting out.
As a freebee, here's a couple of sittes I had bookmarked from years ago. I traded my CA870 a few years back, but it may help you in assembly/disassembly:
re: The G&P long set - I had the same one. It's beautiful, but unless they changed the machining, the inner barrel is 6.10 inner diameter....yuk! Contact Dee's Custom Barrels and he can make you a 6.01 barrel.....