Originally Posted by mHo2
The thing is, for the collectors, thats not so much of a point, as they wont be travelling far to play games.
The flip side to my point for collectors, is you have to understand AV reps arent employees of ASC, its all Voluntary, for them they just have to make the drive once.
My point was for all those wanna be players who whine and complain their are no av reps in the middle of nowhere, of course not ,the reps are going to be at the games, unless the collector makes arrangements at a reps convinience, going to a game that a AV Rep is attending is the simplest way.
Originally Posted by Spike
I've driven farther than where you live to AV someone before, we could probably work something out.
Thats great commitment right there, arrange to meet half way perhaps, buy this fine person a coffee or beer and your golden!