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Old August 20th, 2010, 18:19   #13
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Manitoba
Why can't people just read the rules and follow them...have a look people:

1) Prices must be listed in a sales thread;

2) If it's Sale/Trade then a price and/or specific item(s) you want in trade must be listed;

3) Do NOT replace prices with "SPF" or "SOLD" when an item is sold. Instead, put “SOLD” next to the price and add the word "BANANA" to your original post. Do not delete or edit out the content of sold listings. Sold items are moved to a searchable archive for potential buyers and sellers to see how much items were last sold for.

If your listing contains multiple items, mark items as "SOLD" (next to the price) and only add "BANANA" after ALL items in the thread have been sold: threads containing the word "BANANA" will get moved to the archive!

I will now be issuing warnings to people who edit out their threads!

4) One bump per week, i.e., wait until the 8th day to bump;

5) Do NOT bump with "BANANA", "SPF" or "SOLD": just edit it into one of your existing posts;

6) Creating a new post just to add information or pictures IS CONSIDERED A BUMP! If you have new information to add, and the time period has not yet expired since your last valid post, then just add this new information in to the last post or in to the original post!

Bumping early does result in an infraction, and repeated abuse can and does lead to a temporary ban (starting at 1 week for a first offense). Continued abuse after this can lead to loss of age verification and/or banning from the site;

7) Firearms - There will be no sales of real firearms on Airsoft Canada: this includes blank firing guns, plug fire guns and dewats. Use a site like Canadian Gun Nutz instead. Posting up wanted ads or sales ads for firearms will result in an infraction. Firearms parts and accessories that can be used with an airsoft gun are allowed;

8) Pre-Orders - only those with Retailer status will be able to offer them and they will be subject to addtional specific rules;

9) Fraud - Those that try to defraud our members risk having their AV status revoked, banning from the site and /or having their information turned over to the authorities. Refer to the “Fraud and Online Sales” Thread for details on how to protect yourself;

10) Retailing - the distribution/resale of new items is limited to Retailers only and is not allowed in the classifieds: please refer to our supporting retailer program for more information. This includes services, promoting businesses (advertising) and self-produced goods. Eligibility for Retailer Status is now subject to approval.

We understand that occasionally certain people may have a new item to sell, or collectors may have "like new" items they wish to sell off: these are okay. However the sale of items obtained or produced specifically for resale, volume sales, soliciting, etc, is considered retailing.

ALSO, post items in the correct areas! If you aren't AV'd you cannot access sections other than gear; this means you cannot buy or sell items other than gear. IT IS NOT OKAY TO POST NON-GEAR ITEMS IN THE GEAR SECTION.

Users outside of Canada may use the International Classifieds. The International Classifieds are NOT to be used as a way for non-AV'd Canadian members to circumvent the AV system.

KEVORKIAN is offline   Reply With Quote