Originally Posted by HAVOC
The sniper clinic is a mandatory class if you want to play on most fields in Ontario as a sniper. It will help you with your gear and movements but it's main goal is SAFETY. I don't think anyone wants to be shot by a 500 fps rifle by someone who is 30 feet away. Make sure you have a working sidearm for targets within your minimum safe distance.
The clinic is not free but none of the money will be going to the instructors. It is paying for the Field and food if any is available. If anyone wants to attend a clinic they should PM Sha do and he will be able to tell you who the instructor is for your area.
Also. No one should be actively seeking head shots. If the target leaves you nothing but the head as a shot then it's fair game.
Do the research. Take the clinic. Above all... Be safe.
When it comes to Havoc, all you see is the blinding glare from the sun shining off his head.
Sniper clinic will be held soon (comming in fall). There are other clinics held in other provinces run by their instructors as well.
Its a very good course and I highly recommend it.