Originally Posted by HeadlessChicken
Try these Paintball BBs.
Interesting idea. RW claims this was tried before and failed, would like to read up further on that.
this stuff has already been done discussed and put to bed ever since the first 6mm paint bb comes out in the early 90's the japanease market who by the way comes out with the paint bb before hand, rejected the product like a bad case of crabs, the newer Blamo? bbs jams like a mofo on PTW.
Airsoft is a game of honor it has been for decades before me or even after i'm gone, it's a simple game with simple rules no matter how fucked up it has become or how it evolve can't follow the simple rules then go play paintball. Recently I had a pleasure of playing in Japan rules are simple, No bullshit or politics involve, friendly fire, miss hit call or close discharge are resolved with a bow and handshake instead of multiple curses and threats of body dismemberment, Why can't we follow suit?? are we as North American that fuckin arrogant that we can't man up to mistakes? All this is just a game where we play among friends if airsoft need marked bbs to play then gentleman it's time dinosaurs like me to go out to the pastures. On the matter of people not calling their hits I have 120 nades salute to resove that