Originally Posted by Assault Pioneer
and if they do anything to your muscles you gotta hit the bench bro, and stay at it for a long time
No lol I mean you can make your muscles tighter because of the way the grips and such are and you can train your aim better, I didn't mean lifting one is a workout if thats what you think I said :P Like I mean getti9ng your forearm closer to your firing hand kind of thing, tightens up your muscles and prevents wobbly aim

see what I mean now?
Oh and I work outside all day doing construction/labor 40h a week, i get enough exercise as it is sir
and yeah I know bullpups IRL are totally different than airsoft. Longer barrel for same gun length = better tumble and fragmentation (using a 5.56 anyways)... But I like my AUG's balance, it's all in my shoulder.
The scar I could do maybe... the G36 family is always a pretty solid choice. If anything I would go for the G36K (with the classic raised sight, not the rail), unless you would say otherwise
Let me be clear here guys, I'm asking what your personal favorite standard rifle is and why you would recommend it? My ideas were just things I was daydreaming about. But the more suggestions the merrier! DOESN'T HAVE TO BE ON MY LIST