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Old July 21st, 2010, 21:04   #367
The Vainguard
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Location: Woodland Hills, California, USA
Originally Posted by StrikeFreedom View Post
AS has a scope mount that replaces the slide stop. Since you don't have to pull the slide back to insert this, does that mean you can further short stroke the slide so it moves just enough (ie. 1cm) to chamber a BB?
Its possible with tons of effort, (If you're using a stiff spring) since the more compressed a spring is, the stiffer it is. I'm using a standard buffer + washer with mine and even like that it was hard to get in. I'd imagine it'd be more possible and easier to do with a stock spring, but I'm using an upped.

I forgot I had an account here, and I thought I'd share with you guys something of my own. I know a few guys on here, ILL, RM, and Mr. Hitman... To all others I say hello for the first time and let me introduce myself with this:

Most of the controls are just place holders, I'm waiting for my order from Boomarms...

Over 4 months of waiting... Bah, it was worth it. This thing is just epic...
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