Originally Posted by M.Garcia
Just because "most" players don't wear civi's doesn't mean he can't. You don't need all this gear to start playing. All you need is the basics. You'll find plenty of people don't buy all this "gear". Some people like to play, some like to spend their money making an armory. To start playing you'll need at least this:
- Decent Gun (they'll run you about $350-$450 to start)
- Goggles (i'd say get Paintball goggles, if your going to be playing at Paintball fields they require them due to insurance)
- Good boots (you'll need the ankle support)
- Gloves (i'd suggest a pair of gloves, you can get any really. a pair of slim fitting work gloves, biking gloves, something that will protect you getting shot in the hands)
Just saying cause I know some people will complain about civis if that is all you plan on wearing (That was the first question I asked on here). You will in time have to get a BDU but it isn't required right away. I know a couple places that sell good quality BDUs for reasonable prices, and the Classifieds do have some dirty cheap stuff.